Its a question no doubt we all ask… why do we do something?

What job is actually the best job in the world?  Is there a job that you would actually love to do, like everyone you work with, smile without ever cursing under your breath, happy with the hours, the money…… it goes on and on and on and on…….

The answer has surely got to be NO of course not!

And if you say YES then you are most definitely in the minority of individuals in the entire world.  Even animals can hate their owners!!!

So after having  a hard time whilst growing up, teenage years and early adult life, a decent career in public services and taking the huge risk of moving abroad, as a family we asked ourselves “What can we do where we work for ourselves, choose what hours we do, work with people we actually like and don´t have to be nice to (OK they are family) and actually enjoy what we do?  SOCIAL MEDIA…. we all love social media…….right?

Read my journey in a hope to inspire some of you! Life is one long journey… one of which you should live on your terms without making excuses for others.  Appreciate where you are at this moment rather than focusing on how far you have to go!

Our destination will be lost without the memory of our beginning………..

About SoPro

What does SoPro actually do? Good question! Everything you need to know and how our services can benefit your business, is all here.

We specialise in managing, advising, designing and growing your social media presence and page, all in one package. Our aim is to get the best out of social media, using one of our packages that best suits your needs, or even a custom package.

Social media marketing is currently proving to be the most successful method of promoting your business, but only if you get it right. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram work really well, as your potential customers are already there, just waiting for you!

If you do not already have a social media page, we can also set one up for you, using professionally designed artwork and graphics. This will really make your page stand out from the crowd.

We are also happy to take over the management of your existing social media accounts, when we do this, we will undertake a full audit to ensure that it has been set up correctly to ensure that you are placed correctly within your sector.

In essence, we treat your businesses social media like our own and prove that a professionally managed social media presence will improve your business, increase your presence and maintain consistency.

Remember its not what you do, its how you do it that counts!

Contact SoPro

This is a contact page with some basic contact information and a contact form.