PPP Leads To PPP

SoPro was set up in June last year, originally babysat by Mattie until we finished working in the Bar in September.  The processes were put in place and Mattie did a half decent job actually to say he was only just 17 years old.

What SoPro wanted was experienced business individuals so when we took over in September it was all hands on deck.  We are doing really well with managing small business social media and have just extended our services to now include marketing and video graphics.  So why are we so different to any other Social Media Management Company you ask?

Basically SoPro get to know your business.  We research what you do and look at how you have been doing it.  We also pride ourselves in being accessible and our customers love this.  Shaun and I work really well as a team, he does the back of house stuff (the boring stuff as I call it), so he will do the graphics, videos and internet problems and I do the creativity stuff.  I love to meet people and have not really had the opportunity to get out and about as much as I would really like to.  However this is going to change and I am already pencilling in meeting clients out and about to talk about how SoPro can help them.

SoPro was my idea.  Originally given to Mattie knowing that one day we will run with this to make SoPro one of the best if not the best small business supporting other small businesses with their social media needs.  6 months on and SöPro is consistently performing really well in all areas.  This phrase always sticks in my mind from when I worked in the Police…. PPPPPP (Piss poor planning leads to piss poor performance).  Your not wrong there.  Between Shaun and I we are really good planners.  I am extremely organised whilst Shaun reigns me in at times and gets me back on track.  You only have to be a client of SoPro to see just how we perform…

So if you have a small business and want a hand or guide with your social media, just contact me now


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