The “New Normal” – How To Stand Out

As some parts of Europe are now starting their de-escalation process, we are seeing so many shops, bars, restaurants, hairdressers and other outlets opening their doors for the first time in weeks.

I mean, where do you start with all this? There’s so much to think about……

New regulations and measures are being introduced in most places to ensure that social distancing is adhered to at all times.  Perspex type screening is being implemented in some premises, terraces in Spain are only open at 50% capacity to start off with, only 1 client per worker for hair salons, it’s just goes on and on….

And this people is apparently called the new normal but what does this even mean to those small businesses who find it a struggle on a weekly basis anyhow?  I don’t have the answer to this and only you as a small business will know what it might mean to you, however there are things you can do for preparation of when your business is due to open.

Stand out from the crowd… that’s what we say here at SoPro Social Media Management  After all anyone can post on social media but it’s not what you post, its how you post your information that will attract your followers.

For example… we would strongly advise against text only status updates on your Business Facebook page!  Why?  Because they aren’t engaging and stats show that if you put a graphic or video with any status update it will get more attention.  But what about going that little bit further and standing out from the new normal!

Here is why we have designed an infographic video for our customers which clearly explains in 5 steps, any requirements needed.  Invest time and get this right…. and most importantly turn the new normal into something a little trendy and inviting!

To see an example of our infographic videos Click Here

NOW HALF PRICE – Click Here to buy your’s now FOR ONLY 19,99


Facebook Jail

Don´t worry or be alarmed by the heading of Facebook jail, it´s just a phrase used when Facebook sanctions you or your page if you have gone against their rules.  They don´t throw away the key and lock you up forever, it doesn´t last long but admittingly it can be very frustrating when this happens.

Marriage OR Divorce?

Your business social media is like a marriage….. It has to be a long term commitment, it takes continuous working at and sometimes it will be frustrating and time consuming and you will do things you don´t want to, but it has to be about building long lasting memories of togetherness and a promise never to give up!  

*Important Changes To Facebook Business Pages*

The key focus here is you will likely need to switch to engagement, on generating interactions amongst those in your audience. That means that you will need to dedicate more time to responding to comments, in addition to scheduling posts; to engaging in Groups, in addition to maintaining their own Pages. There’s no cover-all answer, it’ll be the cumulative impact of various efforts, but generating conversation will be key.

Lost Your Mojo?

Do not think by having a Facebook page it´s just about your brand or product because it´s not. There´s so much more, and with a little bit of creativity and imagination, your half way there!  If your Facebook business page has lost it´s Mojo then don´t give up.  Giving up is easy to do, and no one likes a quitter!