*Important Changes To Facebook Business Pages*

The key focus here is you will likely need to switch to engagement, on generating interactions amongst those in your audience. That means that you will need to dedicate more time to responding to comments, in addition to scheduling posts; to engaging in Groups, in addition to maintaining their own Pages. There’s no cover-all answer, it’ll be the cumulative impact of various efforts, but generating conversation will be key.

To Share Or Not To Share – That Is the Question

We live in a world where people are sharing their joys, their sorrows, their pictures and even ironing their dirty washing in public… along with those posts where people want you to comment and want you to feel sorry for them by posting cryptic status updates – yes we all have that one friend (or two) that does this!  But remember – our SoPro saying… “It´s not what you do on Social media, it´s how you do it that counts”!